What Is A Legend On A Map. Instructions: Use this Fact Sheet to teach students about topographic map. Map keys and map legends unlock the information on a map. It contains all the information about symbols on the map and what they represent. For example, subway maps, road maps, and even video game maps have map legends. A map legend defines features in a map. Designing a Map Legend If you are designing a map and legend, you can use your own symbols and colors or rely on standard sets of icons, depending on the purpose of your illustration. They are essential to understanding the information maps provide by explaining what different. It simply displays the symbol followed by a text description of what that symbol represents.
What Is A Legend On A Map. A map key or legend is a graphic that conveys the meaning of various map symbols, colors, and icons. On some maps, post offices, churches, city halls, and other landmark buildings are shown within the tinted area. Legends have patches that show examples of the map symbols. Since the contents of your web map determine the contents of the legend element, the order in which layers appear in. The key explains the symbols while the legend holds the key and other information. What Is A Legend On A Map.
Key; Compass Rose; Map key definition.
A map key, also known as a legend, is normally located at the bottom of the map on the left or right.
What Is A Legend On A Map. And there's no better way than to illustrate this with a couple of examples. In the Legend Item Selector window, click Properties. The legend element displays the legend of a map element that is added to your dashboard. Technically, the key is part of the map legend. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Legend.
What Is A Legend On A Map.