What Does A Legend Look Like On A Map. After reviewing the lesson on map keys, use this lesson extension to help. Instructions: Use this Fact Sheet to teach students about topographic map symbols. Technically, the key is part of the map legend. It contains all the information about symbols on the map and what they represent. The map legend contains all the symbols (symbology) used in the map to help the reader understand what the polygons, lines, points, or grid cells represent. Legend on a mapis one of the most important elements of cartography. A map key is an inset on a map that explains the symbols, provides a scale, and usually identifies the type of map projection used. Map legend delineating all possible features depicted on a topographic map., Full descriptions of each map feature type, including an image of each.
What Does A Legend Look Like On A Map. The legend contains properties that apply to the entire legend element, like the fitting strategy, title, word wrapping, and background. Legends should ALWAYS explain symbology exactly as it looks on the map. Click the down arrow to open the. Browse dictionary. legend. [symbology] A description of the features included in a map. When you use a single symbol for the features in a layer, the layer is labeled with the layer's name in the legend. What Does A Legend Look Like On A Map.
Legends consist of examples of the symbols on the map with labels containing explanatory text.
After reviewing the lesson on map keys, use this lesson extension to help.
What Does A Legend Look Like On A Map. Legend symbols should be exactly the same size, orientation, color, etc. as they appear on the map. It essentially displays the symbol followed by a text description of what each symbol represents. Your map's legend defines features in your map. Definition: A key or legend is a list of symbols that appear on the map. In the items list, select the layer that you want to remove the layer name from in your legend and then click the Style button.
What Does A Legend Look Like On A Map.